Clipping Drip Pipes

- 11 Mangold leaves
- 19 Cucumbers
- 6 (batch 1) Tomatoes
- 2 (batch 2) Cherry Tomatoes
- 7 Courgettes
- 3 Yellow сиврия Peppers
- 3 Three Edged Peppers
- 3 Peppers
- 7 Jalapenos
- 10 Indestructible Chillies
- Handful of Carrots
- 2 Beetroot
- Strung up Indestructible Chillies to dry
- Roses & tomatoes responding well to treatment
- Rocket returning (bolting)
- Traditional tomatoes in garlic area shooting up
- Pulled out ''Palmer's Amoranth'
- Tightened, straightened & clipped in place all drip pipes
- Took blackberries & pears


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