Spring Update

Developments after 5 days away.


- Apple blossom starting to finish

- Pear blossom past peak

- Quince blossom starting

- Lilac out

- New sprigs on Scots Pine


- Tulips all out

- Anemone (Snowdrop) out in squared off area

- Peonies huge

- Delosperma has lots of flowers

- Hyacinth done

- Primroses done - overtaken by leaves & other growth

- Orange Day Lilies crowded out Corydalis

- Winnipeg tulips done

- Forsythia flowers done but very green new growth

- White Rose Bush green & healthy but no buds yet

- Stonecrop beginning to grow upwards

- Daisies & Dandelions colouring lawn

- Blackberries/raspberries doing well. Carpet of new growth under poles.

- One of the roses struggling (tallest). No new growth.

- Oregon Grape finished.

Veggie Patch:

- Spinach. Small shoots coming in both rows - all look the same which is encouraging

- Rocket, Lettuce, Mangold. Small shoots coming in rows - all look the same which isn't encouraging.

- Nettles big & aggressive

- Strawberries thriving, tall & deep green

- Borovinki still alive


- Sofia tomatoes just survived after 9 days neglect. May have lost 3

- Office modules developing steadily. All cucumbers now have 4 leaves.

- Windowboxes. Geraniums & Ivy Geranium struggling since putting back on terrace railings. Begonia seems fine


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