
Showing posts from June, 2024

First Cucumbers

- One Crocodile - One Satsuki Midori - Added wire & tied up bigger Satsuki Midori - Weeded & began to dig over growing area for peppers - Little Owl becoming accustomed to our presence Planting: - Tomatoes (ours from last year): 2 rows, 13 plants per row. 10 transplanted from growing wild in veggie patch, 16 from pots.

First колтуча

- Owls very active - Abandoned windowbox geraniums - First wave of strawberries over - Rasberries & 'Janki' - First courgettes & cucumbers almost ready - колтуча-ed tomatoes to encourage fruiting. Some flowers forming - Prepared area for next 2 rows of tomatoes & assembled structure - Added more wire to crocodile cucumber row - Spanish Stonecrop finishing - Cat still living on terrace.

Stripping Cherry Tree

 - Family endeavour: cutting branches & pulling off cherries. 6 bin bags worth - Disentangled vine from cherry tree & took some leaves for sermichki - Planted: two more mint & clusters of thyme in herb garden - Weeded herb garden & around cucumbers & tomatoes - First courgette almost ready - Blackberries forming, flowers almost over - Berries on Oregon Grape - Added more wire to cucumber & tomato structures & tied everything up. Biggest crocodile cucumber on its fourth line - Attempted to move cat to front door but wouldn't budge

Passive Onlooker

- Second weekend of not being able to do anything because of injured back - Veggie parch overrun with weeds - Everything in pots on balcony ready for planting apart from traditional tomatoes & cherry tomatoes  - First cherries on big tree - Lilies out at top of lawn - Courgettes huge - Tied up biggest cucumbers & tomatoes

After a Week of Sun

- 29 strawberries - First raspberries - Blackberry flowers out - Mock orange finished apart from flowers at very top - Orange lily out in front of wildside wall - Indian Blanket flowering - Spanish Stonecrop flowering - Small orangey rose out - 4 crocodile cucumbers remain, one is developing a cucumber - 11 Satsuki Midori remain - All tomatoes okay - Everything in rows doing well - especially courgette - Ivy Geranium beginning to flower