
Planting Cucumbers

 - Successfully testing hosepipe from new well pump - Extending border wall on barnside of veggie patch - Mowing wildside - Trimming wildside border - Trimming squared off area to free carnation & columbine Planting: - Crocodile Cucumber (10 seedlings from pots, rear of wigwam) - Satsuki Midori Cucumber (12 seedlings from pots, front of wigwam) - Curly Kale (1 row, barnside) - Courgette (2 rows, 7 seeds per row, barnside)

Preparing for Cucumber Planting

- Iris out - Yellow Flag iris (?) - Mystery strawberry plant in edge of lawn - Weeding & digging over herb garden & top of house side veggie patch - Installing cucumber wigwams & climbing wires - Putting straw under strawberries ready for fruiting

Lawn Maintenance

- The cat's new haircut - Rhododendron pot outside - Mowing lawn - Clearing rose edge - Cutting back roses

Triage Weeding

- Misgendered cat - Tulips, lilac & quince blossom finished - Lots of cherries, pears & plums forming - Lots of strawberry flowers - Columbine out - Carnations almost out - Bearded Irises almost out - Sweet Mock Orange blossom starting - Weeded in & around all rows, walkways & paths in veggie patch & strawberry steps - Cut down leaning (plum?) tree

Strawberry, Quince & Lilac

- Cherry & pear blossom finished but cherries already forming - Quince blossom out - Tulips almost done - Two yellow tulips coming - (wild) geranium almost flowering - Spinach coming up - Lilac fully out - Peony balls reddening - First strawberry flower - New nubs all over Scots Pine - Cucumbers ready for planting (weather not) - Maintenance weeding in veggie patch & garlic/onion rows - Took a bag of lawn sorrel Planting: - 3 mint sprouts (front of end row in herb garden)